Adani Transmission Ltd (ATL) : ESG performance update 24 Safety Initiatives During Q2FY23 Safety Performance in Q2FY23 • Safety training: 40,344 man - hours of safety training and awareness during Q2FY23 • Positive Safety Culture: • Physical training on fall protection equipment's for working at height was conducted at Koradi and Akola Substation • Enhanced safety awareness through Monthly Safety Quiz Series (MSQS) • Conducted ‘Electrical Safety at Home’ Webinar for Consumers & Employees • Contractors and Projects Safety Scorecard: For enhanced safety evaluated projects and contractors basis internal parameters during the quarter • Safety Checks and Assurances(SCA): To strengthen safety and increase the effectiveness of safety management at sites, quarterly safety checks and assurance on 3 pre - declared topics are given by sites • Safety Award: Received "Gold Award" Under “Apex India Occupational Health & Safety Award 2022” Material C a t e gor i e s Material Themes Key Performance Indicators Baseline Actions Taken and Goals Board Gender Diversity Board Gender Diversity Balance the board composition in terms of men and women directors 16.6% - women directors in board as of FY21 • % of women directors in board improved to 28.5% Board Independence Great Board Independence and Improved Disclosures • Improve board strength and independence • Incorporate non - statutory committees • Enhance disclosures in board & committee meetings • 6 directors as of FY21 • Only statutory committees as of FY21 • Board now comprises of total 7 directors with 4 independent directors • Enhanced disclosures through formation of new committees with min. 50% IDs (CRC, RMC, PCC, IT & Data Security) • Committees chaired by Independent Directors (Audit, NRC, STC) Code of Conduct Corruption and Bribery Cases • Number of Corruption cases and Bribery and Associated Risks • Adoption of Anti Corruption and Bribery Policy • % of Governance body members and employees trained on anti - corruption Zero corruption cases • Zero Case on Corruption and Bribery • Board Adopted Anti Corruption and Bribery Policy • Identification and Assessment of risks Anti - competitive Practices Fines and Settlements • Fines or settlements paid related to anti - competitive business practices (INR) Zero as of FY21 • Zero in FY23 and beyond Customer orientation and satisfaction Consumer Satisfaction • Affordable tariffs • Service reliability • Sustainable power Distribution loss reduction, CSAT surveys, Reliability metrics • Competitive tariff through RE power • Option to switch to Green power tariff • Advanced metering implementation for 12 million consumers Corporate Governance Standing ESG Ratings Improvement in ratings through improved disclosures and adoption of best practices CSA: 63/100; FTSE: 3.3/5 Target FY23: CSA – 67/100 and FTSE: 3.6/5 Notes: A) List of non - statutory committees – CRC: Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Committee; PRC: Public Consumer Committee; Information Technology & Data Sec uri ty Committee; RMC: Risk Management Committee; B) List of statutory committees: SRC: Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee NRC: Nomination and Remuneration Committee; STC: Secu ri ties and Transfer Committee; Audit Committee; C) Sub - committees under Risk Management Committee: Mergers & Acquisitions Committee; Legal, Regulatory & Tax Committee; Reputation Risk Committee Transmission Distribution (AEML) Safety Parameters Q2FY23 Q2FY22 Q2FY23 Q2FY22 Near Miss Reporting (Awareness) 1,493 1,018 1,674 957 Suraksha Samwad (Safety Dialogue) 2,781 2,293 2,680 45 LTI 0 2 1 9 Fatalities 2 0 0 0 LTIFR (LTI Frequency Rate) 0.64 0.64 1.65 1.84 LTI (LTI Severity Rate) 3,882.78 9.67 23.09 66.25 Safety training by Safety team (in Man - Hours) 37,945 33,706 2,399 4,523 Notes: LTI frequency rate and LTI severity rate lower the better; LTI Frequency Rate: Reportable loss time injury (RLTI)*1000 000 /Man hours worked; LTI severity Rate : Man days Lost (MDL)*1000000/Man hours Worked

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