COMP/135/2011 38/49 ORDER clarified that except the objections by two shareholders (of which reference has been made in present order) any other objections from any member or creditor have not been received in the office of Registrar of Companies. Similar declaration and clarification is made by the Senior Counsel for the company. 11. Upon considering the provisions in the scheme and also having regard to the fact that neither the shareholders/members (except the two shareholders referred to hereinabove) of the transferee or transferor company neither the Regional Director nor the Stock Exchanges or any other person or authority have raised any objection even pursuant to the public advertisement about the scheme or any of the provisions therein and also having regard to the explanations offered and assurance, undertaking given by the petitioner in the additional affidavits, it would, prima facie, emerge that the petitioner has made out case for sanction. 11.1. However, in view of the two important aspects or provisions in the scheme, the Court considers it appropriate to first call for certain details and reports, in addition to the compliance of the conditions and requirement demanded by the Court by way of the direction in present order, before taking final decision and before passing final order. In view of the law laid down by the Apex Court about the Court's role and scope of examination in the matter of arrangement or amalgamation, the Court is conscious about the limitation Downloaded on : Fri Jan 27 19:33:28 IST 2023
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