AEML : First time ever covenanted sustainability linked framework by a Utility in India 34 AEML successfully launched India’s First Energy Sector Sustainability Linked Bond with legally binding ESG targets for renewable energy penetration and reduction of GHG emission intensity in line with COP26 goals Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Particular Financial Year Renewable Mix Baseline 2019 3% Intermediate 2023 30% SPT - 1 2027 60% KPI #1: Increase Renewable in power purchase mix Particular Financial Year GHG Emission Intensity Reduction Baseline 2019 - Intermediate 2025 40% Intermediate 2027 50% SPT - 2 2029 60% KPI #2: Reduction in GHG Emission Intensity Mumbai Green Energy initiative Green Power tariff option marketed to all consumers Single Use Plastic (SUP) Zero waste filled Land AEML is committed to all UN Sustainability Development Goals with a focus on KPI – Key Performance Indicator, GHG – Greenhouse Gas, SPT – Sustainability performance targets

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