United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Our Key Business and Foundation Initiatives mapped to UNSDGs with a Social Imperative Women’s Education Women’s Health Women’s Empowerment / Livelihood Local & Rural Infra - Development Sarguja Trivandrum • Partnered with self help group to educate and provide sanitary pads for safe menstrual hygiene to ensure better health . • Livelihood projects for sustenance in multiple areas Godda • Social licensing by Community engagement for coexistence and creating sustainable livelihood and infrastructure All Locations • Own schools, digitalization and up gradation of Govt . school to provide cost free education to the needy . Social philosophy drives initiatives that are aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals 1. No Poverty 4. Quality Education 3. Good Health & Well Being 2. Zero Hunger 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work & Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation & Infra Structure 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities Social philosophy has a strong community focus 12 Presence across 18 States* Uplifting 2,315 villages Touching 3 million lives 430 Cr+ Spent on CSR Activities # Economic Value Creation India & other countries • Past investments and Proposed Capital investments include projects at various remote locations / villages across India without any opportunities for structured employment creation 1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 8. Decent Work & Economic Growth 9. Industry Innovation & Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities

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