• Energy Management • Supporting low carbon economy • Carbon sequestration through nature - based solution • Improving carbon efficiency • Hydrogen as fuel • Electric mobility • Reduce freshwater withdrawal and water conservation initiatives • Alternative sources of water • Circular economy • Waste management following 5R principles • Community watershed Carbon Emissions Reduction Natural Resource Conservation Biodiversity Management Awareness Readiness Alignment • Increasing r enewable energy share • Carbon Neutral – APSEZ • Water positive/ neutral – APSEZ, ATL, AGEL, AEL • W ater h arvesting – APSEZ, AGEL, ATL, APL • Zero waste to landfill – APSEZ, AGEL, ATL, AEL • Single Use Plastic free - APSEZ, AGEL, ATL, APL • No biodiversity net loss – ATL, AGEL, APL, AEL • Massive mangrove afforestation and terrestrial plantation – APSEZ • Olive Ridley Conservation – APSEZ • Biodiversity Park – APSEZ • Biodiversity management • Natural Capital Action Plan • Afforestation and conservation • Land use and cover management • Supporting Government initiatives • TCFD Recommendation • SBTi Commitment • CDP Climate Change Disclosure • SDGs – 7, 13, 17 • DJSI Corporate Sustainability Assessment • GRI Standards • UNGC Principles • ISO Standards • UN CEO Water Mandate • CDP Water Security Disclosure • Alliance for Water Stewardship • SDGs – 6, 12, 17 • DJSI Corporate Sustainability Assessment • GRI Standards • UNGC Principles • ISO Standards • IBBI Declaration • IUCN – LfN subscription • UN Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) • SDGs – 14, 15, 17 • GRI Standards • UNGC Principles • IFC performance standards DJSI – Dow Jones Sustainability Indices; TCFD – Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosure; SBTi – Science Based Target initiative; SDG – Sustainable Development Goals; GRI – Global Reporting Initiatives; IUCN – International Union for Biodiversity Conservation; IBBI – India Business and Biodiversity Initiatives; IFC – International Finance Corporation; UNGC – United Nations Global Compact Environmental philosophy 10

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