Committees • Environment Policy – All • Energy and Emission Policy – APSEZ, APL, AGEL, ATL, AEL • Water Stewardship Policy – APSEZ • Biodiversity Policy – ATL, AGEL, APL • Audit Committee* • Nomination and Remuneration Committee* • Risk Management committee # • Info T ech and Data S ecurity Committee # Policies Assurance Corporate Responsibility Committee * Established to provide assurance for all ESG commitments • Corporate Social Responsibility – All • Occupational Health & Safety – All • Human Rights – All • Supplier Code of Conduct – APSEZ, APL, AGEL, ATL, AEL • Related Party Transaction – All • Board Diversity – ATL, APSEZ, AEL • Nomination and Remuneration – All • Code for Fair Disclosure of UPSI – All • Corporate Social Responsibility Committee $ • Stakeholder Relationship Committee # • Corporate Responsibility Committee* • Risk Management Committee # • Corporate Responsibility Committee* • Risk Management Committee # Governance philosophy encompassing strong policy and structure backed by robust assurance mechanism * 100% Independence; $ At least 75% Independence; and # At least 50% Independence Governance philosophy 16

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