Adani Green Energy Ltd (AGEL) : ESG performance update 21 Achieved Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating of ‘Low Risk’ with a score of 14.6, the best amongst key global peers and significantly better than global Utilities sector average of 33.5 ESG : Environmental, Social & Governance; GRI : Global Reporting Initiative; CDP : Carbon Disclosure Project; TCFD : Task Force on Climate - Related Financial Disclosures; GHG : Greenhouse Gases; UNSDG : United Nations Sustainable Development Group, LTIFR : Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate ➢ Increased percentage of Independence Directors in Existing Board Committees ✓ Increased from 75% to 100% for Audit Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee ✓ Increased from 33% to at least 75% for Corporate Social Responsibility Committee ✓ Increased from 33% to at least 50% for Risk Management Committee ✓ To be at least 50% for Stakeholders Relationship Committee ➢ Newly formed Board Committees ✓ Corporate Responsibility Committee with 100% Independent Directors to assure implementation of ESG commitments ✓ New Sub - Committees of Risk Management Committee with at least 50% Independent Directors ✓ Mergers & Acquisitions Committee ✓ Legal, Regulatory & Tax Committee ✓ Reputation Risk Committee ✓ Information Technology & Data Security Committee with at least 50% Independent Directors Key Updates on Environment & Social initiatives – H1 FY23 Indicator FY25 Target FY23 Target Status: H1 FY23 Water neutral operating capacity (MW) for plants > 200 MW 100% 60% 42% Zero waste to landfill operating capacity (MW) 100% 50% 100% 1 Single use plastic free operating capacity (MW) 100% 100% (Already achieved in FY22) 100% 2 Key Commitments Governance - Revised Board of Charter implemented ➢ Bio - diversity management ✓ Adopted a Technical Standard, developed in association with CII following IBBI Principles and IUCN Standard, to ensure ‘No Net Loss’ of biodiversity across all plants ➢ Occupational Health & Safety ✓ 0.39 LTIFR in H1 FY23 ✓ 0.01 mn continuous safe man hours in H1 FY23 ✓ 65,740 workman training hours on safety in H1 FY23 ➢ Sustainable Livelihood ✓ 1,671 direct/ indirect job opportunities provided in H1 FY23 ✓ Employee retention rate of 90% in H1 FY23 ➢ Pollution control & GHG emission reduction ✓ 7.5 Mn ton CO2 emission avoided in H1 FY23 (Including infirm Power) ✓ 99.8% less emission Intensity per unit of generation (0.0018GHG tCO2/MWh) in H1 FY23 v/s Indian grid average of 0.79 tCO2/ MWh ➢ Resource conservation ✓ 99.7% less Fresh Water consumption per unit of generation (0.02 kl/MWh) in H1 FY23 as against 3.5 kl / MWh, statutory limit for thermal power ✓ 100% of AGEL’s operating capacity is single - use plastic free under CII Plastic Protocol ➢ Supply Chain ✓ Completed CDP’s Supply Chain Engagement program at AGEL with participation from 93% of our critical suppliers 1. External audit completed and certification in progress 2. Certification in progress for plants commissioned in H1 FY23

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