Treatment of these amounts in the acquiring entity The transaction represented a transfer of project specific amounts from CWIP & P&L, and to keep the treatment of the amount consistent with how it was originally treated in the financials of AMPL. The amount of A$92,928,540 (which represented the transfer of Exploration and Evaluation Assets) was recorded as CWIP and the balance amount taken to the P&L account through an expense of A$23,255,069 as general and administration expenses. The amount of A$23,255,069 presented as day one write off of CWIP were already part of the expenses of AMPL in the previous years and current year in which the transfer occurred and hence it was not an immediate write off of acquired assets but an accounting transfer of an amount from CWIP to P&L account as required and consistent with accounting principles. Source: Page 13 of the Financial Statement of Carmichael rail network trust for FY15 34

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