We have identified key ESG risks and adopted multiple mitigation measures which are business specific for e.g. Mangrove Afforestation in Adani Ports and Increasing Renewable mix in power procurement from 3% in FY21 to 30% FY23 and 60% by FY27 in Adani Electricity Mumbai, part of Adani Transmission Limited. The Adani portfolio companies have adopted best-in-class global disclosures and standards like TCFD, SBTi, CDP, SDGs. The portfolio companies are on track to achieve the following: − Water neutrality − Zero Waste to Landfill − Single use plastic free sites − Mangrove Afforestation − Zero Biodiversity Net Loss − Carbon Neutrality Additionally, we have improved our Governance standards to align it with Global Best practices. We have already constituted a Corporate Responsibility Committee (consisting of 100% independent directors) in all of our portfolio companies which does the review of the ESG progress and framework alignment with progress of the same. Most of the Board Committees in the portfolio companies have majority representation from independent directors. All committee’s Terms of References (TOR) has to be reviewed by the board on periodic basis. Below is a short summary of the ESG credentials and environmental commitments of Adani Portfolio companies: 17

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