Case Study 3 – SEVAH Local Home grown Brands like SEVAH (Safe to Eat Vegetable for All Homes) focus on running kitchen Garden projects for the community through scientific and Organic farming. SEVAH Vi hin am Safe to eat egetables for households SEVAH ro ect Training for de eloping itchen Gardensto promotebetterhealthand well beingof local Support of communit:y Adani oundation An initiativeto train local people on growing organicvegetableswithinthehouseholds. itchengardensate eryhome: Imparting technical THE STORY Health and well beingof local communityis training, awareness Started with a small initiati e of Training of utmost importance for achieving and knowledge. SEVAH itchen gardens ha e now sustainabledevelopment. reached households at Vi hin am Access to required growing organic egetables and selling itchen garden is an initiative by Adani finance and Input kits them thereby promoting health as well as foundation to promote the well being of and materials. creating employment. people by enabling them to grow organic THE IMPACT vegetablesintheirhouseholdsitself. The Avg production per season 0kgs ero Hunger Distributionof Input kits to households in ood health and well being association with vegetable and fruit Monthly Per Capita ender Equality promotion council. Implemented in 760 Productivity saving s Decent work and Economic growth Households, 2 fishermanhouses. 2. kg. Rs 1, 2 G. Accounting Process Internal Financial control process and governance mechanism is facilitated and monitored by the group based on five key pillars namely a. Centralized ERP Governance Mechanism and Reporting System, b. Periodic internal and external reviews of various processes c. Issuing Corporate guidelines and ensuring their adherence d. Appointment of competent and reputed statutory auditors for all verticals. e. Capacity building programs for facilitating the controls. With these 5 pillars group ensures that highest standards of governance and reporting is being maintained by all businesses across all verticals. Centralized ERP governance mechanism and Reporting system Adani Business Excellence Team (ABEX) is a centralized team which handles accounting and financial controls of all companies across all verticals. All the processes are governed through Standard Operating Practices (SOPs) and the ABEX team ensures that all the financial control parameters are uniformly followed by all the verticals across the group. Also, it is ensured that all group companies follow the stringent financial control governance mechanism established through SAP. There is a well established and properly documented mechanism of maker and checker process established at ABEX. These processes have received various six sigma and ISO awards for maintaining highest degree of compliances and governance. 24

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