COMP/135/2011 28/49 ORDER have arisen in order to give effect to the provisions of this clause.” 9.1. Clause 5 of the proposed Scheme which makes provision regarding contracts etc. to which the Transferor Company is party, inter alia, provides that: “5.1 Upon coming into effect of this Scheme and subject to the provisions of this Scheme, all contracts, deeds, bonds, agreements, schemes, arrangements, understandings whether written or oral and other instruments, if any, of whatsoever nature to which the Transferor company are parties or to the benefit of which the Transferor Company may be eligible and which are subsisting or having effect immediately before the Effective Date, without any further act, instrument or deed, shall be in full force and effect or against or in favour of the Transferee Company, as the case may be, and may be enforced by or against the Transferee Company as fully and effectually as if, instead of the Transferor Company, the Transferee Company had been a party or beneficiary or oblige thereto. 5.2. Notwithstanding the fact that vesting of the Undertaking of the Transferor Company occurs by virtue of this Scheme itself, the Transferee Company may, at any time after coming into effect of this Scheme in accordance with the provisions hereof, if so required under any law or otherwise, execute such deeds (including deeds of adherence), writings, confirmations or enter into any tripartite arrangements or novations with any party to any contract or agreement to which the Transferor Company is a party or any writings as may be necessary to be executed in order to give formal effect to the provisions. The Transferee Company shall, under the provisions of this Scheme, be deemed to be authorized to execute any such writings on behalf of the Transferor Company and to carry out or perform all such formalities or compliances referred to above on the part of the Transferor Company to be carried out or performed.” 9.2. Clause 6 and Clause 7.1, which contain provisions with reference to the legal proceedings and employees, read thus: “6. Legal Proceedings Upon the coming into effect of this Scheme, all suits, actions, and other proceedings including legal and taxation proceedings, (including before any statutory or quasi-judicial authority or tribunal) by or against the Transferor Company, whether pending and/or arising on Downloaded on : Fri Jan 27 19:33:28 IST 2023

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